Conversational Evangelism | True Worldview Ep. 38

Conversational Evangelism

Christians want to see the relevance of the gospel to their everyday lives, and they want to demonstrate that relevance to their friends and co-workers. Primarily, they want to share their faith and do so smoothly and effectively. Here’s a little help.

Current Event

First, choose an issue that’s current and interesting. It could be a news item, a trend in our culture, the recent half-time show, or whatever. Just find something of interest to the person with whom you’re talking.

Authority Source

Second, raise the issue of one's source of authority. When the guy you’re talking to gives you an opinion not rooted in Scripture, you want to ask him a simple question: why do you believe that? You should be wise and sensitive, but ask the “why” question. Most persons are their own authority, and their feelings and opinions come from a hodge-podge of contradictory ideas they’ve picked up over the years. 

Persons can be challenged on at least two fronts here. Initially, you might point out that it makes no sense to hold opinions that contradict one another. Then, you might point out that unless one has a source of authority and recognizes what that authority is, one is by definition going to be inconsistent on many points. Inconsistency is intellectual foolishness.

Ultimate Questions

Third, now that the issue of authority is on the table, raise the issue of ultimate questions. All people, if they’re going to make sense out of life, must ask and answer at least four questions concerning ultimate reality. 1) Where do I come from? 2) Why am I here? 3) How do I live while I'm here? 4) What happens when I die?

Share Christian Worldview

Fourth, engage in worldview dialogue. On an evolutionary worldview, the view to which most persons in our culture subscribe, in answer to the four questions, we come from a random chance accident; if so, we have no reason for existence, and life has no meaning; since we’re an accident, and life has no meaning, it really makes no difference how we live; and when we die, that’s it, we simply cease to exist.

Those who hold to an evolutionary worldview who then try to inject meaning into their existence are being philosophically inconsistent. When one says, "I exist to better society," you respond by saying, "That's inconsistent on your worldview. Bettering society makes no difference and means nothing. It's survival of the fittest on your worldview." If persons try to inject meaning into life in anyway, all their answers will be whatever gives them meaning or an opinion as to what might give others meaning. And that’s relativism. On either worldview, evolution or relativism, nothing matters, but people don’t really believe that or live that way. 

In order to make sense out of what they do and why they do it, unbelievers actually appeal to a Christian worldview without realizing it. The Christian worldview is the only worldview that makes sense out of reality. Show a person who holds to an evolutionary worldview that he’s being inconsistent on his worldview and actually appealing to a Christian worldview to inject meaning into his life, and he’ll either get angry or begin to ask questions. That reaction, of course, is up to God. But you’ve at least initiated the conversation.

On the Christian worldview, life has meaning. We’re here because a wise and loving God created us. Our purpose is to glorify Him in all things. Therefore, we live in accordance with His will and ways that we might fulfill our purpose. His will and ways are revealed to us in the Scriptures. Best of all, when we die, we live with Him forever in perfect peace and joy. There is purpose to life and meaning to our existence. The things we do here carry forward into eternity. We’re more than mere matter in motion. 

Examine Current Event from Authority

Fifth, examine the issue under discussion from a Christian worldview by appealing to your authority: the Scriptures. No mere opinion will do. Ask ten people their opinion and you’ll get ten opinions. We need an authority that comes from outside of ourselves: God’s word.

Segue into the Gospel

Sixth, make a smooth transition to the gospel.


We can summarize our steps with the acronym C-A-U-S-E-S. This is important for two reasons. First, we have two great causes in mind: the glory of God and the good of others. Second, this acronym will guide us in our conversation so that we readily and easily accomplish our goal. The acronym stands for: Current Event; Authority Source; Ultimate Questions; Share Christian Worldview; Examine Current Event from Authority; Segue into the Gospel. May you intentionally guide people in conversation that you might guide them to Christ.

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